Popup Maker

Popup Maker is a utility that makes cool popup windows (see the examples page) and is exceptionally easy to use. The following screenshot will aid in the description of the various features.

Popup Maker

1: First choose which features you would like in your popup window (see 1-7 of image 2)

2: Now choose the height and the width of your popup window

3: You can also specifiy how many pixles from the top and from the left the window should pop up

4: If you want your popup to close after a number of seconds, set the option here

5: Checking this will fullscreen your popup and can be closed by pressing ALT+F4

6: Now enter the URL of the page you would like to load in the popup window. You can also enter a statusbar message

7: Now choose how you would like your popup window to launch

8: Depending on the launch medium, you can set how many seconds after the page has loaded, the window must pop up

Popup Maker

1: Directories

2: Location

3: Menubar

4: Resizable

5: Scrollbars

6: Statusbar

7: Toolbar